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At The Glass Duck, we are dedicated to keeping you safe throughout the pandemic.




Before attending any of our workshops, please ensure you have read through our policy and bring a face mask with you. The workshop is thoroughly cleaned before and after each session


Numbers are limited in the studio to a maximum of 4 people per workshop from the same household or family bubble following COVID 19 Guidelines. Everyone must wash and/or sanitise their hands on entering the studio. Face masks need to be worn at all times in the studio.


Booking is essential but can be arranged at a date and time of your convenience at present.


Each person will be supplied with individual tool kits. Each kit will be fully sanitised between workshops.

I will wash and/or sanitise my hands before preparing the tool kits and before packing your glass creations to be returned to you.


I respectfully ask that you do not visit the shop or attend a workshop if you show any coronavirus symptoms.

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